Monday, April 23, 2012

We moved to another flat

Kia Ora Family!

It was wonderful to hear from you all again! I'm glad you are all safe and ok! I sure don't miss the crazy tornado weather you are all experiencing right now! The weather here is pretty much the same old same old. Its warm during the days and gets cold at night. Everyone around here is saying that the weather is acting really weird. I guess the summer wasn't all that bad this year and this time of year its supposed to be cooler but its actually pretty warm. Anyway, i am just glad that your all safe!

It was another pretty good week this past week! The weeks are just rolling and rolling by! We are already done with half of the transfer! This transfer has flown by its scary to think how fast its gone.

This week we had some great things happen. Terrie and his wife Lisa are just doing so great! We taught them throughout the week and actually invited them to be baptized and set them for the 28th of this month!!! Terrie is just the man! He is really loving everything, he doesnt say a whole lot, but i can already see how much he's changed since we've been meeting with him. He was able to pray at the end of one of our lessons, and his prayer was just awesome. The spirit was so strong as he just simply talked to God, it was such an amazing moment! Lisa is also great too, she's really funny and is doing her best to start living the gospel! They, and their two young girls were able to come to church this Sunday and really loved it. We also had a missionary fireside the same night and Terrie was able to come. It was a really awesome fireside. Gary Wilkinson, who plays for the NZ breakers a bball team, came and spoke. He gave a really great talk about how he converted to the church and how much the lord has blessed him and his testimony of the gospel. It was really great!

We havent really been able to catch up with Tai and Tisha this past week. They've been busy with family and their baby. We are still not giving up on them though. Hopefully this week we will be able to see them and see whats going on with them.

Elder Dorosan and I have also been working with an 11 year old girl named Josie. Her older sisters are converts to the church and Josie herself has been coming to church for a long time but just has never been baptized. The concern with her is her parents. Apparently in the past there was an argument between some of the missionaries and her father. Ever since then missionaries havent been around. But that was a long time ago, so me and Elder Dorosan thought we would give the situation a try. We havent been able to catch up with the dad, but the mom is all good with Josie being baptized. We have her set for this weekend! Just in the past few days we've heard that the parents are saying no though. The sisters usually ask the parents if Josie can be baptzied and they always say no. We are hoping and encouraging Josie to ask them herself and see what happens. She has never actually asked them herself. I know that this is really the only true solution for the problem, Josie must ask them herself. Nobody, us, her sisters, members can ask for her. We had a talk with the bishop and we are all still holding faith for this weekend. We'll see what happens!!!

Other than that Elder Dorosan and I are working hard. Things can get frustrating sometimes though because it seems like we meet people a lot who invite us back for a specific time, we go back and they are never there! This can be a little upsetting at times, but all i do is just keep pushing myself to go and work. I've really been able to learn to keep a positive attitude at all times and never let myself get discouraged.

Oh ya, we moved out of our flat today! We switched flats with the Samona Sisters in the District. I guess the members had really been complaining about how the area the sisters are staying in is not safe for them, ha so they decided to stick us there instead lol! All is good though, the flat is much bigger and better than our other one. It was really weird to move out this morning though because i've been in that flat for 6 months now! Its been my home! Haha oh well part of mission life i guess!

Well i'll wrap this up! I love you all so much! I love hearing about your lives back in the ole US of A. Thats great to hear Romney is doing so well! A mormon in the white house! That would be exciting!

Love you all so much! Keep being active in the Gospel and the Church! Until next week,

Ofa Atu,
Elder Rawlinson

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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